Travel Agents Dive Right-Coron
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When you travel to Coron contact PADI Dive Center, Dive Right-Coron FIRST

When you travel to Coron for diving please let us at Dive Right-Coron make your travel arrangements. We have detailed knowledge for arranging air and ship travel for DIVERS on an almost daily basis. We keep track of route and schedule changes for all of the ships and planes providing service to Coron. We can recommend your travel arrangements because we use it ourselves and book it for our DIVERS. We can steer you through traveling with full diving gear with the least problems because we do it often for our guests. The travel agents providing general travel don't monitor the constant route and time changes as we do and can't move DIVERS as easily as we can.

When your on-going travel takes you to other diving destinations around the Philippines we can recommend other reliable diving operators who have been in business for years and provide full service packages for their DIVERS. We hand you off to a reliable dive operator and they pick up your travel arrangements from their detailed knowledge of their area of the Philippines.

If you want to make your own travel reservations, contact the airlines directly by E-mail, pay by credit card, and instruct the airline to hold your ticket at their Domestic Airport Ticketing Office for pickup prior to the flight. You should bring copies of your E-mail correspondence to show the ticketing clerks. The airlines want a signature to verify a credit card transaction, so you would also have to send a FAX to make them happy.

Dive Right - Coron * Request Information Form * Lodging in Manila * History of Coron * Diving in Coron * Diving on Nitrox * Coron's Dive Sites * PADI Diver Training * Lodging in Coron * Air Travel to Coron * Travel by Ship * Telecom in Coron * Travel Agents * Prices * Contact Us * Airport Transfers * Links * Deeper Safety Stops * Money Matters * Underwater Visibility * Technical Diving * Night Life * Advanced Diver Training * Climate * Health in Coron * Deutsche * Wrecks * Non-Diving Activities