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Dive Right-Coron
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Updated 25 Aug 2001

It is our policy to provide the lowest prices for diving and instruction consistent with our unwavering commitment to YOU, PADI and TDI for quality training and diver safety. We will try to match anyone's best price, package deal, or group rate and give you an experienced instructor as well as better, safer, more comfortable diving equipment!

  • Our basic price per dive trip includes weight belt and your choice of 80 or 100 cubic foot tank of air, boat trip and dive guide if you don't have a dive buddy.
  • A full set of premium-quality Zeagle diving equipment, mask, fins, and wetsuit is rented for $5 per day trip.
  • Cooked lunch served on the dive boat between dives is $4.


Diving Prices:

  • Two wreck dives on Air: $42 **The boat leaves at 0900 every morning and returns between 1530 and 1800.
  • Three wreck dives on Air: $55
  • Night dive on Air: $27
  • - Includes the use of a 20 watt, $260 diving light.
  • Nitrox addition per dive: $7 for an 80ft3 tank or $9 for 100ft3 tank
  • Guided Nitrox dive addition of $2.50 **Necessary for the dive guide if you don't have a dive buddy on Nitrox.

Diving Package Price: per person per day.
Two wreck dives on air per person w/lodging and food.

  • Twin-Shared Fan-Cooled cottage with private bath. Dive Link Beach Resort $90
  • Private Air-conditioned room with private bath. Kalamayan Inn $73
  • Shared Air-conditioned room with private bath. Kalamayan Inn $64.50
  • Private Fan-Cooled Room. Darayonan or Village Lodge $66
  • Shared Fan-Cooled Room. Darayonan or Village Lodge $58
  • Private Fan Cooled Room with private bath. L&M Pe Lodge $59
  • Shared Fan Cooled Room with private bath. L&M Pe Lodge $56
  • Contact us at for any questions you have about diving packages in Coron.

Diving Courses:

  • Discover Scuba: An experience to dive with an instructor down to 5 meters under idyllic conditions. $45
  • Discover Scuba Diving: A four-hour course of basic skills in shallow water and a dive to 12 meters with an instructor. $60 (The experience and cost of Discover Scuba Diving done with Dive Right-Coron can be credited toward completion of the PADI Scuba Diver or Open Water Diver course.)
  • PADI Scuba Diver Course: $195 (a two day course of instruction with two open water training dives and a diving license good to 12 meters diving with a PADI Professional as your guide) (Upgrade to to the PADI Open Water Diver license anytime, anywhere in only two days.)
  • PADI Open Water Diver Course: $295 (usually a four day course with five shallow and four deeper dives) (Your PADI Open Water Diver License is recognized world-wide and lifetime to dive with any other diver.)
  • PADI Advanced Open Water Diving Course: $195 (a two day course of five dives, four of which can be on wrecks)
  • PADI Nitrox Diver Specialty Course: $200 (a two day course of classrom instruction, video, sample problems and test, and then two Nitrox dives which should be on the wrecks)
  • PADI Wreck Diver Specialty Course: $180 (a two day course of four wreck dives)
  • TDI Nitrox Diver: $140 (a one day course of technical and safety information about diving with Nitrox containing up to 40% Oxygen. Dives optional.)
  • TDI Advanced Nitrox Diver: $430 (a FOUR DIVE, two day course of technical and safety information about diving with Nitrox containing up to 100% Oxygen. Necessary as a prerequisite for the Extended Range and Trimix courses.)
  • TDI Nitrox Diver and Advanced Nitrox Diver package: $500
  • No one should leave Coron without Nitrox certification. When you take the course you can use your Nitrox training dives to immediately get more bottom time on the wrecks.
  • e-mail for group pricing

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